SPA Housemanship Interview

For preparation to interview, I googled about interviews experience. I might think might be other person also curious like me.

Here my interview experience;  – June, 16 2013 held in Pusat Temu Duga SPA Jalan Cenderasari, Kuala Lumpur.

I reach there like 7.50 a.m.  and the guard told to go third floor. At 8.00 p.m, the person in charged asked us to fill in the registration form. Remember also to bring a passport size photo, glue and also fotocopy of MMC certification. After done, give the form to the person and wait for your turn. Previous my friend experience, they will call your names in alphabetic orders. But mine was random. They call you 5 person and ask to get ready.

There is two interviewer.  5 person in row. Bring only your files. (make sure you dah susun cantik2 dalam file tu, biar dia belek2. Your bag/handbag, tolong titip kat luar ye. Tak payah bawak masuk 🙂

There is 4 questions been asked;

  1. First, the doctor-cum-intervirwee : Introduce yourself & your family;
  2. Imagine; kalau saya patient who having emphyma, & anda nak melakukan Punksi terhadap patient tu. Cuba jelaskan camner korang beritahu patient tu? – we was like “assalamualaikum Pn. Nur, dari pemeriksaan kami dapat tahu Puan ada bla bla bla.. jadi kami akan melakukan pemeriksaan.. bla bla bla..” after we all five done answering, the doctor say “ha, nilah Houseman sekarang, cakap macam pembaca berita; sepatutnya korang tanya kabar dulu ke.. tanya dah makan ke.. mesra dulu. jangan anggap patient tu robot” OH -___- after
  3. Pegawai tu pulak tanya ; Siapakah Menteri Kesihatan? actually he ask 4 menteri but i forget because I only memorize Menteri Kesihatan only 😛 the rest, orang lain jawabkan.
  4. Nyatakan apa yang anda paham tentang Klinik 1Malaysia dalam satu ayat.

Tu je. Habis interview, boleh balik.

Remember to study bout isu2 semasa (waktu ni tengah masalah jerebu, tapi takde lak dia soal pasal jerebu -_- ), immunization, why you want to be a doctor, the important of knowing NCD disease, istilah2, moto/visimisi KKM. Oh ya, pernah juga dia tanya ‘experience  kat hospital kerajaan’


Kospirasi tentang kematian Michael Jackson

mjDemi anda semua, kami sanggup bersengkang mata untuk translatekan forward email yang kami terima ini. Tak tahu kebenaran tentang wujudnya konspirasi kematian Michael Jackson. Mungkin benar mungkin tidak. Hanya Dia yang tahu. Michael Jackson {MJ) adalah seorang manusia yang sangat penyayang. Banyak hartanya yang telah dihabiskan dalam membantu dan menyokong gerakan-gerakan amal seperti Afrika Amerika, mangsa AIDS, mangsa dera kanak-kanak dan bermacam-macam lagi. Walaupun dah berbuat pelbagai kebaikan, MJ masih gagal mencari ketenangan hati. Dia cumalah seorang budak yang terperangkap di dalam badan seorang lelaki. Impiannya adalah untuk menjadi budak kecil selama-lamanya. Impian ini ditambah pula dengan sejarahnya didera semasa kecil menyebabkan dia membina Neverland, tempat untuk seluruh kanak-kanak di dunia bermain dan gembira di situ.

Sila baca artikel ini sepenuhnya untuk membaca tentang konspirasi pembunuhan Michael Jackson.Namun MJ telah membuat satu keputusan yang bakal memberikan impak yang sangat besar di dalam hidupnya. Melihat kehidupan dan ketenangan yang dimiliki oleh abangnya (Jermaine) setelah memeluk Islam, MJ telah membuat satu kenyataan gempar di satu press conference pada tahun 1989.

Saya telah melihat Islam di dalam abang saya, saya telah membaca buku tentang Islam dan suatu hari nanti saya mahu rasakan ketenangan dan keamanan Islam itu“.

Sejak kenyataan itu hidup MJ tidak sama seperti dahulu lagi. Dituduh berasmara dengan kanak-kanak, ditambah dengan pandangan-pandangan negatif daripada media Amerika Syarikat, membuatkan MJ berada di tahap tertekan. Semua ini dilakukan agar peminat-peminat MJ melihatnya sebagai satu ikon yang gagal seterusnya membuatkan influence MJ berkurangan. Melarikan diri daripada tekanan pihak Media USA, MJ telah tinggal di England selama beberapa tahun. Di England, MJ berkawan rapat dengan Yusof Islam, Dari Yusof Islam, MJ belajar serba sedikit tentang Islam. Malah semasa di England, MJ telah berkawan rapat dengan seorang pencipta lagu, Zain Bhika yang telah menciptakan lagu “Give Thanks To Allah” khas untuk dinyanyikan oleh MJ bila-bila masa dia bersedia. Semasa kes asmaranya dengan kanak-kanak dijalankan, MJ telah melarikan diri dan menetap di Bahrain. Di sana dia menjadi tetamu khas kepada anak Sultan Bahrain. Di sinilah MJ mula mendalami Islam. MJ belajar sembahyang, baca Al-Quran dan macam-macam lagi selama 3 tahun.

Akhirnya pada November 2008, MJ pulang ke Los Angeles dan membuat majlis memeluk Islam secara rasmi di rumah kawan karibnya. Pada December 2008, MJ telah pun pergi menunaikan haji bersama Sultan Bahrain dan anaknya. Untuk konsert terakhirnya, MJ mempunyai agenda yang tersendiri. Dia memaklumkan yang ini adalah konsert terakhirnya dan berhasrat untuk mengumumkan yang dia adalah seorang Muslim. Malah MJ juga mahu menyanyikan lagu Give Thanks to Allah pada konsertnya tersebut bersama Yusof Islam. Sebab itulah MJ memilih London sebagai tempat konsert terakhirnya bukannya di USA kerana takutkan pihak berkuasa USA.

Pada 12.30 25 June, MJ memeluk managernya dan mengucapkan selamat malam. MJ berkata ” Selepas berlatih selama 2 bulan akhirnya saya dah bersedia untuk konsert ini”. Selepas melambaikan tangan dan mengucapkan selamat malam, MJ pun pulang ke hotel. Tapi kira-kira jam 2.26 pagi, MJ didapat telah meninggal dunia. Semasa 911 dihubungi, banyak soalan yang ditanya seolah-olah mereka tak tahu siapa itu MJ dan di mana MJ berada. Nampaknya ada pihak yang cuba melengahkan masa bantuan tiba. Tambah pelik bila pihak hospital mengatakan hasil autopsy hanya boleh diperolehi selepas 2 bulan sedangkan teknologi sekarang dah bertambah canggih. Oleh kerana itu, keluarga MJ telah pun mengupah private doktor untuk membuat autopsy kepada MJ. Keputusannya dikeluarkan hanya selepas 4 hari. Ternyata MJ mati kerana terlalu banyak dos anaethestic, satu ubat yang mampu membuatkan jantung berhenti berdenyuti jika diambil secara berlebihan. Satu keputusan yang tidak diwar-warkan di media ialah perut MJ tidak mempunyai langsung ubat ini. Tapi darahnya dipenuhi dengan ubat tersebut. Malah badan MJ dipenuhi dengan kesan suntikan seolah-olah ada orang secara paksa menyuntik ubat tersebut ke dalam badan MJ.

Dalam CNN semasa diinterview, Presiden Amerika Syarikat Barrack Obama telah mengeluarkan satu kenyataan yang agak pelik. “Saya suka MJ. Saya membesar mendengar lagunya. Ia satu kehilangan yang besar tapi saya jamin tiada konspirasi dalam kematiannya”. Pelikkan kenapa seorang Presiden beria-beria cakap tiada konspirasi dalam kematian MJ sebelum keputusan rasmi autopsy MJ dikeluarkan? Kalau betullah MJ nak bunuh diri, buat apa dia beria-beria nak berlatih selama 2 bulan untuk konsert dia nie? Tak gitu? Keluarga MJ inginkan MJ dikebumikan secara Islam. Tapi CIA telah muncul dan memberi ugutan jika pengebumian secara Islam dilakukan secara awan (dalam TV). Ugutannya ialah Katherine, mak MJ tidak akan mendapat hak penjagaan anak-anak MJ sebaliknya Debbie Rowe yang akan dapat.

Akhirnya mereka bersetuju untuk MJ dikebumikan secara Islam di Neverland. Tapi dengan syarat satu pengebumian olok-olok secara Kristian mesti diadakan. Itulah yang anda semua tengok di Tv. Sebab itulah keranda MJ ditutup dan tak dibukak. Sebab mayatnya tak pernah ada dalam tue. Ini semua dilakukan semata-mata nak bagitau dunia yang kononnya MJ bukan seorang Islam.

Pakwe tua

Musim lalu, banyak artis cerai-berai. Musim kini, banyak yang isteri muda suami tua dimana suaminya Datuk. Termasuklah ada sorang senior tu, mempunyai pakwe tua!

Pakwe dia memang baik. Romantic. Lemah lembut. Maklumlah orangnya tua. Tapi walaupun tua, dia bukan calang2 orang. Duitnya sama labuh dengan perut. Statusnya bukan hutangwan macam sesetengah orang muda, sebaliknya dia betul2 jutawan. Kompeninya berpuluh2 hingga boleh dikatakan di mana ada syarikat, di situlah dia jadi pengarahnya.

Kereta mewahnya janganlah cerita. Adat kata kalau di setengah tempat kena kuak air baru nampak ikan, dalam bab kereta mewah pakwe senior ni pula kena kuak kereta baru Nampak drebar!

Bila pikir2, rasanya ok jugak kawin dengan datuk ni. Aku akui, memilih lelaki itu bererti terpaksa hidup bermadu. Tapi ada juga alasan sendiri kenapa. Antaranya:

Pertama, sebab dia bergelar Datuk, jadi bila berkahwin dengannya orang tak akan panggil kita nenek;

Kedua, sebab dia sanggup membayar hantaran belanja hangus dan mas kahwin sejumlah RM100,000 serba tiga;

Ketiga, sebab dia dah tua dan hartanya pun melambak2. Takkanlah kalau dia mati, kita x dapat tumpang sekaki?

Keempat, sebab dia suami orang, jadi dengan memilih dia bererti kita dapat menguji keimanan dan melatih membina kesabaran;

Kelima, sebab dia lelaki…

Dalam banyak2 tu, sebab kelima lah palig kuat. Ya, sebab baru2 ni aku dapat inspirasi baru. Aku percaya, cara terbaik untuk mengajar lelaki adalah merelakan diri kita berpoligami.

Selama ini lelaki umumnya tergila2 nak beristri lebih. Nah, marilah kita sama2 bagi jalan pada mereka. Jangankan dua atau tiga, kalau mereka mau empat pun kita relakan. Bila dah beristeri banyak nanti, masalah mereka tentu bertambah banyak. Hah, masa itulah kita membalas dendam. Kita boleh bergotong-royong, sama2 cari jalan untuk memberatkan lagi masalah mereka.

Lambat laun mereka tentu akan pening kepala, atau silap2 mungkin akan jadi gila. Hah, bayangkanlah betapa bahagianya hidup kita semua kalau dunia ni dipenuhi laki2 gila. Waktu itu barulah kita boleh jengkal muka mereka!

Jadi, jangan bertangguh lagi, marilah kita relakan diri untuk bermadu!

contoh terbaik?

Love & Ego

Once upon a time there was an island ,

where all the feelings lived together .

One day there was a storm in the sea and the island was about to get drowned.

Every feeling was scared but Love made a boat to escape.

Every feeling boarded the boat .

Only 1 feeling was left.

Love Add Image

got down to see who it was…

It was EGO..

Every one asked love to leave him and come in the boat, but love was made to love.
At last all the feelings escape and Love dies with ego on the island..

Love Dies because of EGO ..

So, Kill ego and Save Love

Bird Story (Good One)

He brings his food but is shocked by her death and tries to move

He stands beside his and cries out, saddened by her death

Finally aware that friend would not return to him,

he quietly stands beside his body filled with sorrow

Photos of these two birds were pictured in the Republic of Ukraine where this bird is trying to revive his wife. Millions of people cried after seeing these pictures in America and Europe. It is said that the photographer sold these pictures for a nominal price to the most famous newspaper in France . All the copies of that newspaper were sold out on the day of publishing these pictures.

Fiendship and death are Two Uninvited a guest, when they will come nobody knows. but both do the same work, one takes heart and the other its beats……

Ichigo tell her slimming’s secret

Memang best cuti 2 bulan. X penah sepanjang aku study medic ni dapat cuti selama ni.. tapi orang kata, cuti 2 bulan dapat ke aku, sia2 jer… sbb aku bukannya melepak, jumpa kawan, round mall, or wat mende faedah. Aku baru je pindah Ampang, tak tau la nak ke mana, kurang contact ngan kawan & tak tahu mana diorang, (mungkin di Terengganu, pikirku). My dad lak overprotective ngan aku. He doesn’t let me go out alone even naik LRT dengan adik 21tahun sekalipun! Terkongkong, jeritku ke telinga my dad. =D awalnya, my dad nak suruh aku kerja kat klinik kat maner2 (alamak!) tapi aku xnak dgn alasan “dah nak habis sebulan dah…,”

At last, just get over my life with helping my mum.. memasak, mengkain (basuh,jemur,lipat kain) & beres2 rumah. Pastu makan, main game, camtu lah hari2.. sampai x sedar dah 2 bulan. Cepatnya!! Tak terasa langsung perut pun naik.. uppsss!

like Debab? but he’s original fat!

Bila dah balik Surabaya, mula pakai baju fit2 tuh.. (ehem2, kat masia x pakai fit2 lak) baru lah terasa chubbynyer.. aduh.. da la lepas seminggu demam 5 hari. Makan nasi, makan ubat, tido memanjang, al-hasil muka dah membengkak. Tilik badan, tilik muka.

“cigo, kau gila ke, ko memang dah kurus laa, apa nak diet lagi”

Eiii, sapa cakap, if nak kurus bak selebriti, camni kira gemuk la,

Korang tau tak, if kita masuk TV kita akan nampak seolah2 lebih gemuk 5kg..

Jadi aku nak kurus cam diorang…

Eh, mai kita timbang berat.

even a cat shocked looking at my weight!

ok, chigo, let’s dieting like always!!

1. eat cereal every morning (i always take it with milk)

2. sit-up 100 times a day (fhew!)

3. wear firming lotion before going to class (or before exercise)

4. massage your body each time you bathing

5. body scrub 3 times a week

6. drink slimming’s product each week

7. eat less food (half of plate)
8. drink green tea before 4 o’clock




yep, aku akan kurus kembali! O_o

10 ways to become more intimate with your lover


Honesty and communication make up the foundation for a healthy relationship. But, what exactly does it take to achieve these things? According to certified Sexologist Jaiya Hanauer, there are ten important ways to build intimacy and make a deeper connection with your partner.


The eyes are the doorways to a connected sex life. Although it may feel a little funny at first, making eye contact during sex tells your partner that all your attention is on him. It builds trust, which ultimately leads to a stronger sexual and emotional bond.


Touching each other throughout the day builds longing for each other. Massaging, stroking, and caressing all produces oxytocin, which is the bonding chemical. To build a deeper connection, try touching each other without having sex. Build up the tension for a few days to make your next intimate an explosive encounter.


We do it automatically everyday but most of us don’t realize that breathing is a way to heighten pleasure and arousal. When you breathe deeper, you bring more oxygen into the body, which allows you to be aroused at greater heights. Alternating your breath as you breathe into each other’s mouths is an intimate exercise that has been used in ancient traditions as a way to share the soul.


The simple act of sending a sweet text message or complimenting your lover can send blood rushing into the genitals. Not only does it build anticipation, but will also keep your partner thinking about you all day.


Nothing breaks the mood like cell phones blaring and clutter all over your bedroom. Set the scene for intimacy with sensual music, candles, clean sheets and a shift in environment. Don’t limit intimacy to the bedroom only, you can also create a stage for an encore performance in the living room or kitchen. Think of sex as a theatrical piece—you need the right lighting, right mood and sets. Stimulating your creativity as you prepare actually stimulates the sexual drive.


Taking the time out to do things for your lover that shows that you care and respect his feelings is very important. Plan to go to his favorite restaurant, run a simple errand for him or cook him an exquisite meal. Doing something for him out of the blue will surely increase the love he has for you.


Many couples get into patterns when it comes to sex. To break free of the bedroom doldrums, do something adventurous. Take a class together at a sex boutique, go skydiving or do something else that you have never done in bed before, but have always wanted to try.

Creating a romantic dinner together with specific foods can actually form deeper bonds. Chocolate, for example, contains the chemical Phenethylamine (PEA) which is responsible for the feeling of being in love. Avocados boost both the male and female libido.
Using your imagination always gives a great boost to your sex life. If you consciously take on a fantasy role in the bedroom, the level of intimacy is heightened when you come back to your more traditional roles in the relationship. Try role-playing as an erotic masseuse and client or as a captor and captive.
In today’s world, women are becoming stronger than ever and it takes a lot to let down our guards, especially if we’ve been hurt before. But, letting the walls around you melt and allowing your partner to penetrate you emotionally and physically are some of the best things you can do in a relationship. Share your deepest feelings with him and allow him to get to know all the different facets of your personality.

written from ichigo the love and lust expert.. tee-hee

The Most My Favourite Song

gambar sebagai hiasan yerk…


“All Your Attention”
Don’t want you looking at the stars tonight
I just want your eyes on me
I wanna be the only thing on your mind
I’ll be all you need
Don’t want you talking on the phone, don’t go out
I just want you here with me
Don’t want you spending time alone
Stay around, I’ll be all you need


Can’t you see you hold my heart in your hands
You own me, you own me
I need you to survive
I know I’m alive when you hold me
Hold me


Don’t want to share you with the stars in the night
I only want you to only want me
Now, then and forever
I’m even jealous of the sun in your eyes
I want you looking at me, only me
I want all your attention


Forgive me if I seem to need you too much
You illuminate my soul
Don’t think that I could breathe without your touch
You could never know


When I’m with you I’ve got nothing to hide
You know me, you know me
I need you to survive
I know I’m alive when you hold me
Hold me


Don’t want to share you with the stars in the night
I only want you to only want me
Now, then and forever
I’m even jealous of the sun in your eyes
I want you looking at me, only me
I want all your attention


Can’t you see you hold my heart in your hands
You own me, you own me
I need you to survive
I know I’m alive when you hold me
Hold me


Don’t want to share you with the stars
Don’t want the moon to touch your heart
I only want you to only want me
Now, then and forever
I’m even jealous of the sun in your eyes
I want you looking at me, only me
I want all your attention
1 want you looking at me, only me
I want all your attention

i do heart Daniel Bedingfield’s song since ‘if your not the one’. this song straightly hit situation right now!!i hope someday i will be with the person i truly and faithfully love.. the lyrics are so it so so much..even though i heard it over and over again i don’t get bored.. same as her sister, Natasha.. she’s wonderful. The unique of their song, which is meaningful, dense with poetry & beautiful



google-about me

Rules: The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 6 people.


a cute and sexy[perasan] girl



my bedroom with aircond

strawberry stuff


strawberry milkshake



ice-cream (actually i love all those in fridge!)




Ampang, KL


tanjong tokong, pulau pinang

SMK Kerteh

UGM in jogjakarta



if only (both of them makes me cry *sob sob*)


reading comics


marry with the person i love (ameen!)